Pre-Meal Exercise vs. Post-Meal Exercise
Exercise is essential for a healthy life.
People often exercise with a clear goal in mind, whether it's to lose weight or to build muscle. However, depending on the goal, the best timing for exercise may differ, so it's good to be aware of this.

To Lose Weight: Exercise Before Meals
If your goal is weight loss, it's best to exercise in a fasted state before meals. Exercising before meals is more effective for burning body fat. When you exercise without eating, your blood sugar is low, which increases the rate at which your body uses body fat for energy instead of carbohydrates.
Research from the University of Glasgow in the UK found that pre-meal exercise burned an average of 33% more body fat than post-meal exercise. A moderate-intensity workout, such as walking, for about 20-30 minutes after 3-4 hours of fasting is sufficient. However, people with chronic diseases like diabetes or hypertension should be cautious, as this may put stress on the body.
After exercising, you may feel very hungry, so it's helpful to eat a plate of fruits or vegetables first to prevent overeating. Then, it's advisable to have a regular meal 1-2 hours later. After exercise, your metabolism is active, but over time, the metabolic rate and calorie absorption rate decrease, making it less likely to gain weight.

To Build Muscle: Exercise After Meals
When you want to increase muscle mass, post-meal exercise is effective. A meal rich in protein and carbohydrates before exercising can help prevent muscle loss. Exercising on an empty stomach can actually lead to muscle loss.
Carbohydrates are the nutrients used for energy during exercise, so if your body lacks carbohydrates, it will use muscle protein instead, resulting in muscle loss. Consuming protein before exercise enhances its effects. Strength training involves a cycle of muscle breakdown and formation, during which protein helps in muscle building.
Eating 2-3 hours before exercising can help avoid digestive issues. Focus on whole grains like brown rice or mixed grain rice for carbohydrates, and for protein, choose low-calorie, low-fat foods like chicken breast and white fish.
If You Have Diabetes or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: Exercise After Meals
If you have diabetes or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), you should exercise after eating. For people with diabetes, exercising after a long fasting period increases the risk of hypoglycemia. If blood sugar drops below 70 mg/dL, symptoms such as cold sweat, trembling hands, or a racing heart may occur. Severe hypoglycemia during exercise can further lower blood sugar and lead to fainting.
Therefore, it's advisable to wait 2 hours after eating before exercising. For those with GERD, post-meal exercise is also recommended as it helps aid digestion and prevents reflux. However, if the exercise intensity is too high, it may hinder digestion, so light walks or low-intensity indoor cycling are suggested.
If You Have Depression or Insomnia: Morning Exercise
If you suffer from depression or insomnia, morning exercise is beneficial. Exercising in the morning promotes adrenaline secretion, positively influencing your mindset. Additionally, exercising in sunlight increases the secretion of melatonin and serotonin, which can help alleviate feelings of depression. Sufficient secretion of melatonin and serotonin can lead to a sense of calm and assist in achieving restful sleep.
If You Have Asthma, Hypertension, or Joint Disorders: Evening or Night Exercise
If you have asthma, heart disease, or hypertension, exercising in the evening or at night is preferable. Early morning or daytime hours are characterized by poor blood circulation and cold, dry air, which can exacerbate these conditions. The same applies to those with rheumatoid arthritis or herniated discs. Joints and muscles lose flexibility and become stiff after waking up, so exercising early can worsen pain and increase the risk of injury.
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